Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Already had a plan for tomorrow.. do-fun with my bff&f and have some fun in there! Just two of us

Monday, December 26, 2011

Heaven still has mercy..

Long time no posting on this blog..
Well, it's all because my current activities. Prepare for National Exam& the blahblahblah things. I feel kinda stressed or maybe scared to face the reality that now I'm in the 12th grade. I've no free time anymore. Umm, I still have it deng. (huffft tp ttp aja capekkk)

But it's OK laa, because Foster The People will come to Indonesia this January!! I already got the ticket by the way:):):) and ARRGGHH can't hardly wait for this concert sumpidee. Rasanya pgn loncat ke tanggal 11 Januari skrng jg!! Belum pernah ada satu band yang semuamuanya have a good-looking face!! Eventhough they're an indie band, their music is soooo....heavenly. See you all on January 11th 2012<3

& I forgot something...
Merry Christmas for my dearest Wanda Adeline& Happy new year for all of you. I hope the Mayan prophecy is completely wrong.
So, see ya on 2012!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

July, 16th 2011.
Senengnya minta ampun kalo yg ini. Semoga kita selamanya ya te <3
Happy 1st anniversary my smile-machine, my 16th, and my pluto's creature!

July, 30th 2011.
Yang ini baru namanya super sweet 17th! super kaget dan super ga nyangka. Gue kira dia ga akan pernah mungkin bikinin gue surprise macem itu yang bener2 bisa bgt bikin gue deg2an parah pas dia blg dia udah di dpn rmh gue karena bt bukan org yg penuh dgn kejutan2 unyu kaya gt. tp kmrn bener2 bikin seneng dan senengnya bs bertahan lama sampe hari ini. Terimakasih banyak ya syg. Ini kado dr bt <3 baju the beatles&martabak telor yg udah abis dimakanin kita bertiga sm yanto jg. Pokoknya terimakasih banyak buat BT & YANTO yg udah jauh2 kesini kmrn.

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Counting the days...counting the hours...counting the minutes...and seconds.

Dear, my Hakuna Matata.
Why I've to call you Hakuna Matata on this post?
Hakuna Matata means no worries. If you ever watched all of the great Disney's movies, you must be knew what's the meaning of that words.
You're my Hakuna Matata. I never felt to be worried about everything when I'm with you. Even when I'm in a big problem, you still can make me feel like you're my solves-machine. (Although sometimes you didn't give me any solution and made me feel like I've nobody to against the world). But, I still believe that you'll always beside me until "I don't know when", no matter what happen in the next days. We'll face it together, together forever and forever together:)
And I never expected that we can hold on together until now.
Days by days, months by months, we have been through together until this day. And I really can't hardly wait for the next 16th, our 1st anniversary. I just can't stop counting.....

Sunday, March 27, 2011

8 months already.

Nyuuu bgt kan kaya arti sahabat? Kita udah 8 bulanan loh!^^